
Cell. apply this system to study signaling from the kinase Zap70 and its substrate linker for activation of T cells (LAT), proteins that normally form membrane-localized condensates during T cell activation. We find that fibroblasts expressing synthetic Zap70:LAT clusters activate downstream signaling, whereas one-to-one heterodimers do not. We provide evidence that clusters harbor a positive feedback loop among Zap70, LAT, and Src-family kinases that binds phosphorylated LAT and further activates Zap70. Finally, we extend our optogenetic approach to the native T cell signaling context, where light-induced LAT clustering is sufficient to drive a calcium response. Our study reveals a specific signaling function for protein clusters and identifies a biochemical circuit that robustly senses protein oligomerization state. In brief Dine et al. study how different modes of molecular organization contribute to cell signaling using the kinase Zap70 and its substrate LAT as a model system. Optogenetic manipulation reveals that LAT:Zap70 clustersbut not dimerstrigger potent signaling via localized positive feedback among LAT, Zap70, and Src-family kinases. Graphical abstract INTRODUCTION Many cell signaling processes involve the dynamic assembly and disassembly of protein clusters. In some cases, CACNB4 such as Notch/Delta complexes (Nandagopal et al., 2018) and death receptor signaling (Pan et al., 2019), clusters may emerge due to higher-order oligomerization of the receptor itself upon ligand binding. In others (e.g., receptor tyrosine kinases; the Wnt signalosome), clustering emerges from the convergence of adaptor proteins that bind via modular, multivalent interaction domains to form liquid or gel-like condensates in response to ligand stimulation (Case et al., 2019). Recent advances in imaging have established that protein clustering can accompany signaling pathway activation (Banjade and Rosen, 2014; Gammons and Bienz, 2018; Liang et al., 2018), and biochemical reconstitution experiments demonstrate kinase-triggered clustering of minimal sets of components (Houtman et al., 2006; Li et al., 2012; Su et al., 2016), suggesting that mesoscale protein assemblies are fundamental to eukaryotic cell signaling. T cell receptor (TCR) signaling has emerged as a key model system for understanding the signaling roles of protein clusters, as these assemblies are formed at multiple signaling steps in an activated T cell (Dustin and Groves, 2012). Within seconds after stimulation, the TCR itself forms clusters at the site of contact with an antigen-presenting cell, leading to the recruitment of downstream effectors including the kinases Lck and Zap70. Lck and Zap70 initially co-cluster with the TCR and within minutes form peripheral clusters with downstream adaptor proteins such as the linker for activation of T cells (LAT) (Lo et al., 2018; Pageon et al., 2016). Recent studies have demonstrated that Zap70 phosphorylation of LAT tyrosine residues is sufficient for liquid-liquid phase separation due to interactions between these phospho-tyrosines and OTX008 other multivalent signaling proteins: Grb2, SOS, and PLC (Houtman et al., 2006; Kortum et al., 2013; Su et al., 2016) (Figure 1A). Yet it is still OTX008 unknown whether clusters are important for signaling or whether they simply arise as a byproduct of multivalent interactions. Classic experiments to abolish clustering (e.g., mutating the phosphorylatable tyrosine residues on LAT) also prevent recruitment of cytosolic signaling factors (Zhang et al., 2000), making it impossible to conclude that clustering plays a specific role. The difficulty of performing such separation-of-function studies is a common challenge encountered when studying the functional role of protein condensates in cells (Alberti et al., 2019). Open in a separate window Figure 1. Development of optogenetic systems to compare Zap70:LAT oligomerization states(A) Schematic of TCR signaling and how optogenetic approaches can plug in OTX008 at the step of Zap70:LAT clustering; see Abraham and Weiss (2004). (B) Design of the optogenetic constructs to compare dimerization and clustering of.