Significantly down- and up-regulated genes in SRSF2-over-expressing H358 lung cancer cells in comparison to H358 control cells are outlined ( 2

Significantly down- and up-regulated genes in SRSF2-over-expressing H358 lung cancer cells in comparison to H358 control cells are outlined ( 2.0 FC, P-value 0.05 by to both known and predictable…

Continue ReadingSignificantly down- and up-regulated genes in SRSF2-over-expressing H358 lung cancer cells in comparison to H358 control cells are outlined ( 2


2007). than elongated rather, thread-like hybridization indicators (GIF Propylparaben 179 KB) 412_2007_131_Fig2_ESM.gif (175K) GUID:?5BAECA68-3D55-4183-8731-1AA922F9C1D2 High-resolution picture document (TIF 4.738 MB) 412_2007_131_Fig2_ESM.tif (4.5M) GUID:?0875FB64-B7E2-4691-8EC6-D88227AEF06C Abstract PICH Propylparaben (Plk1-interacting checkpoint helicase) was…

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